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About Us


My name is Jeffrey Mayfield. I was born in Boston, Massachusetts to Kevin and Trina Mayfield. I grew up in a Christian home as a Missionary Kid from Ecuador, South America. I went to Northland International University because of their great focus on training people for the ministry. I graduated in 2012 with a Bachelor's Degree in Cross-Cultural Studies. I then went to Bob Jones University for my Master of Arts degree. While I was studying for my Masters I worked as a Youth Pastor. I have completed my degree in Theological Studies and am pursuing a career as a church planting missionary to Ecuador, South America. 



I was born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania to Harry and Tina Matthew. I grew up in a Christian home, and my parents faithfully served in various capacities in their local church. It was there that I was encouraged to serve the Lord in full-time ministry. I, too, went to Northland International University and graduated in 2012 with a degree in Biblical Counseling. The Lord used my time at Northland to burden my heart for foreign missions. Jeffrey and I were married in 2014, and since then we have been pursuing the path to serve the Lord in Ecuador, SA. 


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